Adobe Premiere Pro CC v.7.xx User Manual
Page 47

To open a panel, choose it from the Window menu.
To close a panel or window, press Control-W (Windows) or Command-W (Mac OS), or click its Close button .
To see all the panel tabs in a narrow panel group, drag the horizontal scroll bar.
To bring a panel to the front of a group of panels, do one of the following:
Click the tab of the panel you want in front.
Hover the cursor above the tab area, and turn the mouse scroll wheel. Scrolling brings each panel to the front, one after another.
Drag tabs horizontally to change their order.
To reveal panels hidden in a narrow panel group, drag the scroll bar above the panel group.
Drag horizontal scroll bar to see all panels in narrow group
Working with multiple monitors
To increase the available screen space, use multiple monitors. When you work with multiple monitors, the application window appears on one
monitor, and you place floating windows on the second monitor. Monitor configurations are stored in the workspace.
Save, reset, or delete workspaces
Save a custom workspace
As you customize a workspace, the application tracks your changes, storing the most recent layout. To store a specific layout more permanently,
save a custom workspace. Saved custom workspaces appear in the Workspace menu, where you can return to and reset them.
Arrange the frames and panels as desired, and then choose Window > Workspace > New Workspace. Type a name for the workspace, and
click OK.
(After Effects, Premiere Pro, Encore) If a project saved with a custom workspace is opened on another system, the application looks for a
workspace with a matching name. If it can’t find a match (or the monitor configuration doesn’t match), it uses the current local workspace.
Reset a workspace
Reset the current workspace to return to its original, saved layout of panels.
Choose Window > Workspace > Reset workspace name.
Delete a workspace
1. Choose Window > Workspace >Delete Workspace.
2. Choose the workspace you want to delete, and then click OK.
You cannot delete the currently active workspace.