Ber and multi-pattern ber – EXFO FTB/IQS-88000 Series Power Blazer for FTB-2/2Pro/500/IQS-600 User Manual

Page 373

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Test Results

Power Blazer



BER and Multi-Pattern BER

Note: See BER on page 257 for a description of each alarm/error.

Note: For Multi-Pattern, alarms/errors are available for each pattern. An arrow in

front of a specific pattern indicates the pattern that is currently
generated/analyzed. All represents the sum of alarms/errors as well as the
consolidated rate for all patterns.

BER Threshold is available when Pass/Fail Verdict is enabled



Restart Sequence button, available with multi-pattern, clears results
and restarts the multi-pattern sequence with the first enabled pattern
in the list. This is the only way to restart the multi-pattern sequence and
to allow synchronization between two test sets.

For back-to-back testing using two test sets, create a multi-pattern test
on both units, tap the Restart Sequence button on each unit within 5
seconds apart. Once synchronized, start the test on each unit.

Bit/Pattern Error Rate/Count graphically displays a meter
representing either the bit/pattern error rate or the bit/pattern error
count depending on the Pass/Fail Verdict selection



When the verdict is enabled


, the values under the threshold are

presented in green while the values above are in red.

When the verdict is disabled, the bit/pattern error rate is displayed in

The arrow pointer indicates the current received bit/pattern error

The Pass/Fail verdict is displayed just on top of the meter when



1. Refer to BERT and Unframed BERT on page 102 or EtherBERT and EtherBERT, FC BERT, and Unframed BERT on

page 116.