Typespec, Typespec o, Typespec ob – Echelon OpenLNS User Manual
Page 973: G typespec, E typespec ob, E typespec
OpenLNS Programmer's Reference
The OpenLNS network interface that the
OpenLNS Server is attempting to use is not
property configured. Recommission the
NetworkServiceDevice of the System object
by calling the
Data Type
Read only.
Added to API
LNS Release 3.0.
The TypeSpec object contains a group of properties that OpenLNS uses to identify the type a
network variable should use. You can write new values to these properties to change the
network variable’s type if the network variable’s
lcaNvChangeableTypeSdOnly (1) or lcaNvChangeableTypeSCPT (2).
To change a network variable’s type, follow these steps:
1. Access the network variable’s TypeSpec object through the TypeSpec property of the
NetworkVariable object.
2. Set the program ID, scope, and name of the new type you want to use by writing to the
ProgramId, Scope, and TypeName properties of the TypeSpec object.
3. Optionally, invoke the Lookup method on the TypeSpec object to make sure that the
program ID, scope and name entered in step 2 reference a valid type.
4. Read the IsComplete property to make sure that the TypeSpec object is complete. This
step is only necessary if you are creating a new network variable, or changing a network
variable’s type from a type that was received from another network variable.
5. Pass the modified TypeSpec object back to the TypeSpec property of the network
variable. At this point, OpenLNS will use the values entered in step 2 to find the
definition of the type in the resource files, and assign values to the Index, Length, and
ObjectType properties of the TypeSpec object.
is unable to find the resource file for the program ID entered in step 2,
the LCA #154 lcaErrUnavailableResourceFiles exception will be thrown.
finds the resource file but is unable to find the type name referenced in
step 2, the LCA #155 lcaErrNotFoundInResourceFiles exception will be thrown.
Make sure that the network variable can support the new type before assigning it.
If the length of the new type is too long for the network variable, the LCA#156
lcaErrTypeLengthTooLong exception will be thrown.
The following table summarizes the TypeSpec object.
Contains a group of properties that OpenLNS uses to identify
the type a network variable should use.
Added to API
LNS Release 3.20.
Accessed Through
Default Property