Connect, E connect – Echelon OpenLNS User Manual
Page 613
OpenLNS Programmer's Reference
variable connections on a LonWorks network (subject to the
constraints of the LonTalk protocol). This is accomplished by
calling the AddTarget and Connect method with multiple
hubs and overlapping targets.
A consequence of the superposition of connections is that a
network variable may find itself in a "mirrored" connection.
This situation occurs when a network variable A is the hub of
a connection containing target network variable B., and B is
the hub of a connection containing A. (Connection segment
AB is mirrored by BA). When removing connections, you
must consider that the network variables will remain bound
until both connections are removed.
Local, full, and lightweight clients.
object to be added
to the target list.
Added to API
Prior to LNS Release 3.0.
Connects a hub network variable to the network variables
contained in the hub's pending target list.
This method creates a new connection or adds to an existing
one. The connection consists of the hub and its targets. The
hub is the network variable object upon which the method is
Before invoking the Connect method, one or more targets
must be added to the hub's pending target list using the
AddTarget method. When the method is invoked, the
OpenLNS Server defines the connection (using the
parameters specified in the hub's ConnectDescTemplate
object) and, if the MgmtMode property is set to
lcaMgmtModePropagateConfigUpdates (0), it connects
the objects on the network, then clears the hub's pending
target list.
As part of the connection process, the OpenLNS Server
updates the hub object's NVTargets property, as appropriate.
If a new connection is created, the hub object is also added to
the appropriate NetworkVariables property of the system's
Connections object.
When you create large or complex connections that require
calling the Connect method more than once, you should use
the StartTransaction and StartTransaction methods to group
the calls into a single transaction.
You can use the OnNodeConnChangeEvent to track when