Echelon OpenLNS User Manual

Page 96

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OpenLNS Programmer's Reference


The UpgradeStatus object returned by this method contains

information indicating whether or not the upgrade was

successful, as well as information describing the changes that

were made to each component (for example, LonMark object,

network variable, message tag, configuration property,

monitor set, and monitor point) of the external interface

during the upgrade. You can always access the

UpgradeStatus object returned the last time the Upgrade

method was called on an AppDevice

by reading its

LastUpgradeStatus property.
If the new interface supports dynamic functional blocks and

the old one did not, OpenLNS will automatically create

dynamic functional blocks and dynamic network variables for

any static functional blocks and static network variables in

the old interface that do not appear in the new interface. This

supports a migration strategy in which a new device will

support dynamic functional blocks, instead of defining all of

its functional blocks as static. All such added components will

have the same programmatic name as the original, unless the

original was an array. In this case, an index value will be

appended to the name, or if the name does not fit, the name

will be truncated. This may lead to the assignment of

duplicate names, but an OpenLNS application may change

both the user name (Name) and programmatic name

(ProgrammaticName) in this case.
A new custom interface will be created by OpenLNS to house

network variables and LonMarkObjects that are converted

from static to dynamic in this fashion. The name used for

these custom interfaces is "LcaUpgrade", where is a

sequential number reflecting the number of upgrades that

the device has gone through since LNS 3.20 was installed.

For example, the 3rd time the device is upgraded, this

interface would be named "LcaUpgrade3." You can determine

which objects have been converted from static to dynamic

during the upgrade with this Interface object, or with the

UpgradeInfos collection. If you need to store these network

variables and LonMarkObjects on another interface, you can

use the MoveToInterface method to do so.
This method should be called from within an explicit

transaction using the StartTransaction method. This allows

the upgrade to be easily undone if necessary. For more

information on using transactions with LNS, see Chapter 4,

Programming an OpenLNS Application, of the OpenLNS

Programmer’s Guide.
As noted previously, you may need to upgrade a device when

you load the device’s application. Specifically, if the device

was configured, and the application that was previously in

the device and the application that was loaded do not have

the same program ID (and thus may not have the same

external interface), the Object Server will leave the device in

the unconfigured state, and you will need to upgrade it.