Onlonmarkobjectstatuschange, Onlonmarkobjectstatuschangeevent – Echelon OpenLNS User Manual
Page 738
OpenLNS Programmer's Reference
OnIncomingSessionEvent(xDriverProfileName, netName,
intfName, tag)
xDriverProfileName A String identifying the Profile that
is using the TCP listener port this
session came in on. This may be
useful in an application that
registers for uplink session event
handling with multiple xDriver
A String that represents the
OpenLNS network name of the
network that has requested the
uplink session.
A String that represents the
network interface name of the
network that has requested the
uplink session.
This value must be used when the
AcceptIncomingSession method is
called to accept or reject the uplink
Added to API
LNS Release 3.06.
Once an application registers for this event, it will be fired
each time an OpenLNS application changes the status of a
LonMarkObject by writing to the object’s Request property.
You can enable this event for your application by invoking
the BeginLonMarkObjectStatusChangeEvent method. You
can disable the event by invoking the
EndLonMarkObjectStatusChangeEvent method.
You can write to the Request property of the LonMarkObject
object to change the current functionality of a LonMark
object, or to update the information contained in the
LonMarkObject. These changes would cause the
OnLonMarkObjectStatusChangeEvent event to be fired. You
can read the Status property to determine the current status
of a LonMarkObject.
Note that this event will only be fired when an LNS
application changes the status of a LonMarkObject. It will
not be fired if the status is changed directly by the device, or
if you explicitly write to the device’s SNVT_object_request
network variable.