Networkinterfaces, Methods, Properties – Echelon OpenLNS User Manual
Page 584
OpenLNS Programmer's Reference
object represents a collection of
collection contains all of the network interfaces on the local computer that are available to
the Object Server. This collection is constructed from entries in the Windows registry.
Use the
object from this collection. For more
network interface types, you can specify the network interface to be retrieved by its name, or
by its index number within the
collection. However, remote network
interfaces (RNIs) that connect to your application through the OpenLDV xDriver do not
collection until a session with that RNI has been fully
established. This is not true if you are using the Default xDriver Profile, which uses the
Windows Registry to ensure that all configured RNIs will be added to the
collection. For other Profiles, you can still create and access the appropriate
object by name from the collection using the
To do so, pass a string type specifying the name of the RNI to retrieve as the
stringExpression element when you read the
property. For xDriver network interfaces,
the network interface name of the RNI device can be a maximum of 128 characters long, and
must be specified using the following naming convention: x.ProfileName.Downlink Lookup
ProfileName represents the name of the xDriver Profile that will manage the connection
to the RNI.
Downlink Lookup Key represents the downlink lookup key assigned to the RNI in the
xDriver database.
If you used the LonWorks Interfaces Control Panel application to configure the RNI, this is
the name you assigned the RNI when you first created it with the application. For example,
if the xDriver Profile name is myProfile and the downlink lookup key is RNI-0001, the
network interface name would be “x.myProfile.RNI-0001”.
The following table summarizes the NetworkInterfaces
A collection of
Added to API
Prior to LNS Release 3.0.
Accessed Through
Default Property
object does not contain any methods
object contains the following properties