Retryupdates – Echelon OpenLNS User Manual
Page 905
OpenLNS Programmer's Reference
Assume that the network is a small
or medium sized network. This
causes database recovery to use
domain wide broadcast when
discovering application nodes.
This may not work if the system is
very large, as the number of
responses from the devices would
overwhelm the network. If not set,
the recovery process uses subnet
broadcast on each of the 255
subnets, each of which must time
out before going on to the next.
2 lcaRecoveryOptForceOffline
This option is used to force all
devices off-line during the
discovery process. This may be
useful when recovering networks
with high levels of traffic, or when
recovering devices that have
limited receive transactions and
are receiving messages from
application devices.
Note: Setting this value to 0 will
cause neither of the recovery
options to be selected.
Added to API
Prior to LNS Release 3.0.
Retries device updates.
If a device update failure occurs, you can use this method to
retry the updates. A device update failure occurs when
OpenLNS is unable to load the information into the physical
device when the OpenLNS database has been updated.
Many circumstances can cause a device update failure, which
is indicated by an exception in the range starting with the
NS, #4030 lcaErrNsWarningFirst exception, and ending
with the NS, #4089 lcaErrNsWarningLast exception. For
example, an update failure may occur if you make changes to
a connection, and one of the devices involved in the
connection is not connected to the network or not responding
to network management messages.
You can set up automatic retries in case of device update
failure by setting the UpdateInterval property to a non-zero
value. If you are receiving persistent update failures for a
device, you may need to re-commission the device with the
Commission method.