Index – Echelon OpenLNS User Manual
Page 402
OpenLNS Programmer's Reference
The lcaFormatTypeNamed(0) value
is the default value for user-defined
network variables.
1 lcaFormatTypeNv
The FormatSpec object contains a
format for a standard network variable
If the type is a Standard Network
Variable Type (SNVT), set this property
to lcaFormatTypeNv (1), and set the
Index property to the SNVT index.
The lcaFormatTypeNv (1) value is
the default value for data points and
monitor points acquired through
standard network variables.
2 lcaFormatTypeCp
The FormatSpec object contains a
format for a standard configuration
property type.
If the type is a Standard Configuration
Property Type (SCPT), set this property
to lcaFormatTypeCp (2), and set the
Index property to the SCPT index.
The lcaFormatTypeCp (2) value is
the default value for data points
acquired through configuration
Data Type
Added to API
LNS Release 3.0.
Contains the SNVT or SCPT index of the type
If the FormatType property is set to lcaFormatTypeCp
(2), this property contains the SCPTindex.
If the FormatType property is set to lcaFormatTypeNv
(1), this property contains the SNVTindex.
If the FormatType property is set to
lcaFormatTypeNamed (0), this property is not used.
Local, full, lightweight, and independent clients. Note that
some objects containing this property are not available to
Independent clients.