Echelon OpenLNS User Manual
Page 630
OpenLNS Programmer's Reference
correct path to the LonMark Device
Resource File catalog.
After you write to this property, you
need to invoke the DsSaveOptions
method to save the new value into
the OpenLNS database. You can
revert this property to the network
variable's default type by writing an
empty string to this property. You
can check if the network variable is
currently using its default type by
reading the DsIsDefaultFormat
If you modify the value of the
DsFormatType property and the
resource file defining the network
variable’s new type becomes
unavailable to the OpenLNS Object
Server, the value of the
DsFormatType property will not
change. However, when you attempt
to read the value of the network
variable, the DS, #60
exception will be thrown. If you
then create a data point to read or
write to the value of the network
variable, the data point’s
DsIsDefaultFormat property will be
displayed using the type assigned to
the FallbackFormat property of the
FormatLocale object your
application is using.
Note that for Local and Full client
applications, the value of a network
variable is formatted on the client
computer. For Lightweight client
applications, the value is formatted
on the OpenLNS Server computer.
In either case, the DsFormatType
property indicates which type the
OpenLNS Server will use to format
the value of the network variable.
This property applies only to points
monitored and controlled using
single-point monitoring. If you are
using monitor set monitoring, use
the FormatSpec property.
Note: The old syntax of name>. is no longer supported. This notation