Repairattempted, Datapoint – Echelon OpenLNS User Manual
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OpenLNS Programmer's Reference
Indicates whether
OpenLNS attempted to repair errors of this
type during the validation.
If you call the Validate
method to initiate a database validation
procedure and set the validationFlags element to
lcaDbValidateAndRepair (1), OpenLNS will attempt to
repair some errors it finds automatically. LNS may not be able
to repair all error types or all the specific instances of an error
type it encounters during the validation. You can use this
property to determine whether OpenLNS attempted to repair a
specific error or a specific error type.
You can determine if OpenLNS was able to repair a specific
instance of an error by reading the Repaired property of the
error’s DatabaseSummaryErrorInstance object.
Local clients.
repairAttempted = errorReport.
object being acted upon.
A Boolean value indicating whether
OpenLNS attempted to repair errors
of this type during the validation
TRUE. OpenLNS attempted to
repair errors of this type
during the validation.
FALSE. OpenLNS did not attempt
to repair errors of this type
during the validation.
Data Type
Read only.
Added to API
LNS Release 3.20.
A DataPoint object represents a single point of data in a LONWORKS network. You can
obtain a data point through any MsgMonitorPoint, NvMonitorPoint, NetworkVariable, or
ConfigProperty object. Once acquired, each data point is implicitly bound to the object from
which it was obtained. This object is referred to as the data point’s source object.
You can then use the data point to read and write to the value of the source object. Each data
point has three properties you can use to read and write to the data point’s value: the
FormattedValue property, the RawValue property, and the Value property. Each of these
properties represents the same value, but each one is formatted differently.
When you read and write to any of these properties, OpenLNS will also read or write the
data point’s source object (i.e. the value of the source object in the OpenLNS database and on