Echelon OpenLNS User Manual
Page 528
OpenLNS Programmer's Reference
been successfully sent, as described earlier. However, you can
also use the OnMsgMonitorPointErrorEvent and
OnNvMonitorPointErrorEvent events to determine when
values are not successfully sent. These events are generated
whenever there is a write failure on a monitor point.
See the Monitor and Control chapter in the OpenLNS
Programmer’s Guide for more information.
Local, full, lightweight, and independent clients. Note that
objects and temporary monitor points
are not available on Independent clients.
monOptsObject.UseAsyncSend = asyncFlag
acted upon.
A Boolean value indicating whether
OpenLNS waits for a completion code
to return after updating the value of
the monitor point before sending its
next update message.
TRUE. OpenLNS does not wait for
the completion code to return
after sending the values of
the monitor points before
returning to the user.
In this case, OpenLNS will
generate an
event as soon as the
completion code has been
returned, and the value of
the monitor point has been
updated. You can use these
events to confirm that the
values of your monitor points
have been successfully sent.
This approach may be useful
if you are updating a large
number of monitor points at
once, and do not want to wait
for a completion code to
return after each update
before moving to the next
Setting this property to True
therefore may be useful
when writing to the values of
large numbers of data points