Testing and maintenance – KEYENCE SL-V Series User Manual
Page 7

• In order to fulfill the requirements in IEC61496-1, UL61496-1, EN61496-1 and UL508,
power supply for the SL-V must fulfill the conditions listed below.
(a) A rated output voltage of 24 V DC (SELV, Overvoltage Category II) within +10% and -20%.
(b) Double insulation or reinforced insulation between the primary and secondary circuits.
(c) Output holding time of 20 ms or more.
(d) A power supply must fulfill the requirements of the electrical safety and electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) regulations or standards in all countries and/or regions where the
SL-V is used.
(e) A secondary circuit of power supply (output) must fulfill the requirements for Class 2
Circuits or Limited Voltage/Current Circuits specified in UL508, if the SL-V is used in
the United States or Canada.
• Do not install the electric wiring of the SL-V together with or in parallel with high-voltage
electrical or power lines.
• Both OSSD outputs provided on the SL-V must be used to establish a safety-related
machine control system. Establishing a safety-related machine control system with just one
of the OSSD outputs cannot stop the machine due to an OSSD output malfunction and may
result in significant harm to the machine operators, including serious injury or death.
• When using a PNP output type cable, do not cause short-circuit between the OSSD and +24V.
Otherwise, the OSSDs keep staying at the ON-state and it causes a dangerous situation.
• When using a PNP output type cable, be sure to connect the load between the OSSD and 0V to
avoid a dangerous situation. If the load is incorrectly connected between the OSSD and +24V,
the logic of the OSSD operation will be reversed and the OSSD will change to an ON state when
the SL-V detects the interruption in the detection zone. This is a dangerous situation.
• When using NPN output type cables, do not cause short-circuit between the OSSD and 0V.
Otherwise, the OSSDs keep staying at the ON-state and it causes a dangerous situation.
• When using an NPN output type cable, be sure to connect the load between the OSSD and
+24V to avoid a dangerous situation. If the load is incorrectly connected between the OSSD and
0V, the logic of the OSSD operation will be reversed and the OSSD will change to an ON state
when the SL-V detects the interruption in the detection zone. This is a dangerous situation.
• In case of wiring, regardless of PNP or NPN output type cables, you must fulfill the require-
ments of Clause 9.4.3 in IEC60204-1: 2005 in order for the protection against maloperation
due to earth fault.
• The Alert output, AUX output, Clear/Blocked Output, state information output and interlock-
reset-ready output are not allowed to be used as safety outputs for safety-related machine
control systems. Usage of these functions as safety outputs may result in a significant harm
to the machine operators, including serious injury or death.
• The wait input is not allowed to be connected to the output from any components compris-
ing a part of the safety-related machine control system. If the wait input is connected to the
output of a safety component it may result in a significant harm to the machine operators,
including serious injury or death.
• The transmitter and receiver cables must be within the lengths specified in this user’s man-
ual. Usage of cables longer than the specified length may cause the improper operation of
safety functions and may cause a dangerous situation.
• You must always perform the pre-check test in accordance with the pre-check test procedures, after
maintenance, adjustment or alignment of the target machine or the SL-V and before the machine startup.
• If the SL-V does not operate properly when you perform pre-check test in accordance with the pre-
check test procedures specified in this user’s manual, do not operate the machine.
• You must periodically examine the machine to verify that all brakes, other stop mechanisms, and con-
trol devices operate reliably and correctly in addition to checking the SL-V.
• The responsible personnel must perform maintenance procedures as specified in this user’s manual to
ensure safety to the machine and SL-V.
Testing and maintenance