KEYENCE SL-V Series User Manual
Sl-v series, Instruction manual, Safety light curtain

This instruction manual describes handling, operation, and precautionary information for the SL-V Series Safety Light
Curtain ("SL-V").
Read this instruction manual thoroughly before operating the SL-V in order to understand the device features, and keep
this instruction manual readily available for reference. Ensure that the end user of this product receives this manual.
In this instruction manual, "SL-VF" represents the finger protection type with the detection capability of
φ14 mm, "SL-VH"
represents the hand protection type with the detection capability of
φ25 mm, "SL-VL" represents the body protection
type with the detection capability of
φ45 mm, "SL-VFM" represents the finger protection and rigid enclosure type with the
detection capability of
φ14 mm, "SL-VHM" represents the hand protection and rigid enclosure type with the detection
capability of
φ25 mm, "SL-VLM" represents the body protection and rigid enclosure type with the detection capability of
φ45 mm, and "SL-V" represents all the models including the SL-VF, SL-VH, SL-VL, SL-VFM, SL-VHM, and SL-VLM.
This manual is the original instruction manual.
This instruction manual uses the following headings to display important safety information. Strict
adherence to the instructions next to these heading is required at all times.
Failure to follow the instruction results in a significant harm to the machine operators
including serious injury or death.
Failure to follow the instruction may result in damage to the SL-V or to the machine on which it is installed.
Provides additional information for proper operation.
Provides advanced and useful information for operation.
Safety Precautions
• You must verify that the SL-V is operating correctly in terms of functionality and performance before
the start of machine and the operation of the SL-V.
• KEYENCE does not guarantee the function or performance of the SL-V if it is used in a manner that differs
from the SL-V specifications contained in this instruction manual or if the SL-V is modified by the customer.
• When using the SL-V to protect machine operators against a hazard or hazardous zone or using the SL-V as a
safety component for any purpose, always follow the applicable requirements of the laws, rules, regulations
and standards in the country or region where the SL-V is used. For such regulations, you should contact
directly to the regulatory agency responsible for occupational safety and health in your country or region.
• Depending on the type of machine on which the SL-V is to be installed, there may be special safety
regulations related to the use, installation, maintenance, and operation of the safety component. In
such a case, you must fulfill such safety regulations. The responsible personnel must install the SL-
V in strict compliance with such safety regulations.
• The responsible personnel must do the training to the assigned personnel for the correct use, installation,
maintenance, and operation of the SL-V. "Machine operators" refers to personnel who have received
appropriate training from the responsible personnel and are qualified to operate the machine correctly.
• Machine operators must have specialized training for the SL-V, and they must understand and fulfill
the safety regulations in the country or region in which they are using the SL-V.
• When the SL-V fails to operate, machine operators must immediately stop the use of the machine
and the SL-V and report this fact to the responsible personnel.
• The SL-V is designed with the assumption that it would be correctly installed in accordance with
the installation procedures described in this instruction manual and correctly operated according
to the instructions in this instruction manual. You must perform an appropriate installation of the SL-
V after performing a sufficient risk assessment for the target machine.
• The SL-V should be processed as an industrial waste product when being disposed.
• In order to operate the SL-V correctly, the responsible personnel and machine operators
must fulfill all of the procedures described in this instruction manual.
• No person other than the responsible personnel and machine operators should be allowed
to install or test the SL-V.
• When performing electrical wiring, always fulfill the electrical standards and regulations for
the country or region in which the SL-V is used.
Environment of use
• Do not use the SL-V in an environment (temperature, humidity, interfering light, etc.) that
does not conform to the specifications contained in this instruction manual.
• Be sure to confirm that the SL-V keeps normal operation when electromagnetic radiation is generated by wire-
less devices. (If you use wireless devices such as cellular phones or transceivers in the vicinity of the SL-V.)
• The SL-V is not designed to be explosion-proof. Never use it in the presence of flammable
or explosive gases or elements.
• Be sure to confirm no deterioration in product quality if you use the SL-V in the presence
of substances, such as heavy smoke, particulate matter, or corrosive chemical agents.
• Do not install the SL-V in areas where the SL-V is exposed to intense interference light
such as direct sunlight, and direct or indirect light from inverter-type fluorescent lamp
(rapid-start type lamp, high-frequency operation type lamp, etc).
• Be sure to absolutely confirm that there is nobody in the hazardous zone, before the interlock is
released (i.e. the machine system restarts) by the interlock reset mechanism. Failure to follow this
warning results in a significant harm to the machine operators, including serious injury or death.
• Be sure to absolutely confirm that there is nobody in the hazardous zone, before the over-
ride function is activated. Failure to follow this warning results in a significant harm to the
machine operators, including serious injury or death.
Target machine
• The SL-V has not undergone the model certification examination in accordance with Article 44-2
of the Japanese Industrial Safety and Health Law. The SL-V, therefore, cannot be used in Japan
as a “Safety Device for Press and Shearing machines” as established in Article 42 of that law.
• The machine on which the SL-V is to be installed must be susceptible to an emergency stop at all
operating points during its operation cycle. Do not use the SL-V for machines with irregular stop times.
• Do not use the SL-V for power presses equipped with full-revolution clutches.
• The SL-V cannot be used as a PSDI because it does not fulfill the requirements of OSHA
1910.217(h). Refer to OSHA 1910.217 for the PSDI mode.
• Do not use the SL-V to control (stop forward motion, etc.) trains, cars and other transportation vehi-
cles, aircraft, equipment for use in space, medical devices, or nuclear power generation systems.
• The SL-V is designed to protect the people or objects going into/approaching detection zone against
machine’s hazard or hazardous zone. It cannot provide protection against objects or materials that
are expelled from the machine’s hazard or hazardous zone, so you must establish additional safety
measures such as installing safeguards when there is the possibility of such projectiles.
• The SL-V must be installed only after ensuring the minimum safety distance between the
SL-V and the hazardous zone or hazard as established by the applicable regulations in the
country or region in which the SL-V is used. (e.g.EN ISO13855(ISO 13855) in EU countries)
• Choose locations for the installation of the SL-V transmitters and receivers so that they are
not subject to the effects of light reflected from glossy surfaces in the area.
• Correct operation and detection is not possible if the receiver has a different number of
beam axes from that of the transmitter. You must verify that the number of beam axes is
the same between the transmitter and the receiver when installing the SL-V.
• Correct operation and detection is not possible if the receiver has a different beam axis spacing
(detection capability) from that of the transmitter. You must verify that the beam axis spacing (detec-
tion capability) is the same between the transmitter and the receiver when installing the SL-V.
• The SL-V must be installed so that the machine operator is able to go into or approach the hazardous zone
or hazards only by passing through the detection zone of the SL-V. Strictly avoid installation that allows the
machine operator or a part of the machine operator's body to go into or approach the hazardous zone or
hazards without passing through the detection zone of the SL-V or to remain in a position between the
detection zone of the SL-V and the hazardous zone or hazard. In case where you install the SL-V units in
series (series connection), you always must check the installation carefully whether you follow this warning,
especially after installation and maintenance.
Even if you forget to install the SL-V unit to be connected in series, or if the series connection cable is dis-
connected, the SL-V does not detect such a missing or disconnection. (It means the SL-V starts the normal
operation.) This causes a dangerous situation because there is no protection at the area to be protected.
• You must always perform the pre-check tests after installing the SL-V in accordance with
the pre-check test procedures, such as items specified in this instruction manual, in order
to verify that the test pieces can be detected in all of the detection zones.
• Interlock reset mechanisms (such as switches) must be installed so that the whole hazard-
ous zone can be checked by the responsible personnel. Interlock reset mechanisms
should not be accessible from within the hazardous zone.
• Muting is a function to allow a temporary automatic suspension of the SL-V safety func-
tions while the SL-V is receiving a signal from muting devices (such as sensors or
switches). Therefore, additional safety measures are required for the machine on which
the SL-V is installed in order to ensure safety while the muting is activated.
• Muting devices, the installation of those devices and the procedure to activate the muting
function must fulfill the conditions specified in this instruction manual and the require-
ments of the laws, rules, regulations and standards in the country or region in which the
SL-V and those devices are used. Failure to follow this warning may result in significant
harm to the machine operators, including serious injury or death.
• When you install muting devices (such as sensors or switches) for muting, the following
conditions must be fulfilled.
(1) Muting devices must be installed so that the muting cannot be activated if the
hazardous zone of the machine is in an unsafe condition or cycle.
(2) Muting devices must be installed so that the muting cannot be activated even if the
personnel is accidentally approaching the detection zone of the SL-V.
• The muting device must be installed such that only responsible personnel have access to that
device to change its installation or orientation. Special tools must be required to ensure that
only responsible personnel are capable of installation, orientation or change of muting device.
• Only the responsible personnel may be allowed to install or wire the devices to activate the muting function.
• The installation of muting lamp may be required by the laws, rules, regulations, and standards in the
country or region in which the SL-V is used if you apply the muting function. It depends on the machine
application and/or the result of your risk assessment. If it is necessary for you to provide the muting
lamp, you must fulfill the requirements because you are fully responsible for installation of muting lamp.
• When the reduced resolution function is applied, the detection capability varies according to your
configuration. Make sure to accurately calculate the safety distance according to the detection
capability, and install the SL-V at a distance greater than or equal to the minimum safety distance
away from the hazardous zone or hazard. The installation of additional safety measures, such as a
safeguarding, may be required if the detection capability varies due to the configuration of the
reduced resolution function. On your own responsibility, you must perform the risk assessment
based on your configuration of the reduced resolution function in order to reduce the risk.
• When the fixed blanking function is applied, a hazardous clearance that is not protected by
the SL-V may be generated between the obstacle and the SL-V. You must install an addi-
tional safety measure such as a safeguard for this clearance.
• The override is a function to allow a temporary manual suspension of the safety functions of
the SL-V. Therefore, additional safety measures are required for the whole machine system
on which the SL-V is installed in order to ensure safety while the override is activated.
Safety headings
General precautions
Precaution on use
Safety Light Curtain
SL-V Series
Instruction Manual
Document Outline
- Introduction
- Safety Precautions
- General precautions
- Precaution on use
- Testing and maintenance
- Standards and regulations
- Checking the Package Contents
- Cables
- Cable specification
- Connector pin assignment
- Cable connection
- Part Description
- Installation measures against glossy surface
- OSSD circuit Diagram
- Wiring and Function
- Example for Wiring
- Bar LED Indicator
- Center Indicator
- SL-V Configurator (SL-VH1S)
- Temporary Suspension of Safety Function
- Nomenclature
- Dimensions and Specifications
- Common specifications
- Checklist