Arc Machines 307 User Manual
Page 7

Arc Machines, Inc. Model 307 Orbital Tube Welder Training
Document No. 740096
Chapter 1. Page 1.
Rev. A
hapter 1. Introduction to Orbital Welding with
the Model 307 Power Supply
rc Machines’
new Windows™-
based Model 307 Power
Supply is designed for
autogenous orbital GTA
welding. In addition to
the standard tube-weld-
ing functions it also has
wire feed capabilities.
The Model 307 was
developed for economy
and ease of use and will
automatically generate a
weld schedule or pro-
gram when the Arc
Machines weld head and
weld component dimen-
sions are entered. To
meet the Industry’s demands for quality assurance (QA) and weld data
collection, the Model 307 has extensive capabilities to store and transmit
detailed weld documentation and historical data.
Welding personnel can program the Model 307 in time per level or simply
enter the desired weld head position in rotational degrees for the end of
each level, and time required to complete the level will be entered auto-
matically. Weld parameters are clearly visible on the 307’s touch screen
and can easily be modified by the operator if changes should be necessary.
Input Power. The Model 307 Power Supply operates on 110 to 240 VAC,
50/60 Hz, single phase only, without reconnection.
Weld Current. The Model 307 has a programmable range of 5 to 200
amperes of primary welding current, while average current is software-lim-
ited to 150 amps or less. The Model 307 will warn users if programmed
current values exceed recommendations for particular weld heads.
Weld Heads. The Model 307 operates all standard AMI fusion weld heads
including the Model 8 and Model 9 series, Model 4, Model 85, and Model 96.
It can also operate the Model 95 series of wire-feed weld heads. The motor
controls can accept DC tachometer velocity feedback, or quadrature-encod-
er position and velocity information.
Arc Machines’ Model 307 Power Supply and Model 8-2000 weld
head on a cleanroom bench at the WELDEX show in the UK.