Arc Machines 307 User Manual

Page 21

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Arc Machines, Inc. Model 307 Orbital Tube Welder Training

Document No. 740096 Chapter 3. Page 5
Rev. A

Pressing the Test button on the Weld Schedule Weld Screen puts the

Model 307 into Weld Mode.

Pressing the red WELD button on the Weld Schedule Weld screen puts

the Model 307 into Test Mode.

Touching the Data Acquistion button opens the Weld Identification

Information screen. Weld Data Recording may be enabled or disabled

from this screen.

Touching the Weld Main button opens the Weld Schedule Main screen

of the open weld schedule.

Library Buttons

Create Folder opens a screen on which the name of the new folder is

entered. This folder may be used for storing a user-defined group of

weld schedules.

Rename Folder opens a screen on which the name of a specified folder

appears. A new name may be assigned to the folder.

Delete Folder opens a screen asking whether the user truly wants to

delete the selected folder. To delete the folder touch YES. To cancel

choose NO.

Paste Folder will paste a folder that has been copied into the selected


Copy Folder copies the selected folder which may then be pasted into a

remote machine.

Open Schedule. When a weld schedule is selected in the Library, this

button will open the schedule to the Main Weld Schedule Screen.

Copy Schedule copies the selected schedule so that it may be pasted

into another folder or to the Library of a remote machine.

Delete Schedule will ask the user if he truly wishes to delete a selected

schedule. When the user touches YES, the schedule will be deleted.

Table 2. Buttons used on the Model 307 Power Supply