Arc Machines 307 User Manual
Page 42

Arc Machines, Inc. Model 307 Orbital Tube Welder Training
Document No. 740096
Chapter 4. Page 8.
replacement pump if
required). Flow/no flow
indicators are of both visual
and electronic design.
The 307 CW is filled from a
spout on the top of the unit. A
Fill Indicator on the front panel
indicates the fill level, while a
flow indicator rotates to indi-
cate coolant flow.
Note: Pump does not self- prime well. Monitor Fill Level after
cables have filled with coolant.
CAUTION: Remove Coolant before shipping the 307-CW.
The Coolant Fault must be turned on when the
M307-CW is in use.
The Fault Setup Screen is accessed from the System Setup Functions
button on the Opening screen which opens the System Setup Screen; se-
lect Faults which opens the Fault Setup Screen (shown below) and
touch the Coolant button. A Green light is ON when fault is enabled.
Fill spout
Fill Level
Flow Indicator
Model 307-CW (front)
Green light
shows fault