Brocade Communications Systems RFS6000 User Manual
Page 55

Brocade Mobility RFS4000, RFS6000 and RFS7000 CLI Reference Guide
Common commands
radio-desc – description of radio where the
wireless-client is associated
radio-id – The radio index to which the
wireless-client is associated
ssid – The ssid of the wireless-clients wlan
state – The current state of the wireless-client
username – The Radius username of the user
connected through this device (shown only if
applicable and available)
vlan – The vlan-id assigned to the wireless-client
wlan-desc – The wlan description the
wireless-client is using
wlan-id – The wlan index the wireless-client is
sh-wi-radio [adopt-info|ap-locn|ap-mac|
radio-desc|radio-id|state] – Customize the output of
the "show wireless radio" command
adopt-info – The adoption information about the
ap-locn – The location of the AP to which this radio
ap-mac – The MAC address of AP to which the
radio belongs
ap-name – The name of the AP to which this radio
bss – The bssid of the radio
channel –The configured and current channel of
the radio
dot11-type – The the dot11 type (11a/11g etc) of
the radio