Rockwell Automation 1771-QI,D17716.5.126 PLASTIC MOLD.MODULE User Manual
Page 56

Command Word/Bit Descriptions
Publication 1771-6.5.126 – March 1998
Notes: For [ ] engineering units, see page 2.
Segment 11 Velocity Setpoint [05] or [06]
then the module:
you select Vel/Pos
controls ram (screw) forward speed to this setpoint from ram (screw) position IPC47 until transition
profile execution
IPC03-B14 is RESET
reads this parameter in percent velocity
IPC03-B14 is SET
reads it in in.(mm)/s
Segment 11 Pressure Setpoint [01]
then the module:
you select Press/Pos
controls ram (screw) pressure to this setpoint from ram (screw) position IPC47 until transition
profile execution
you select Press/Time
controls ram (screw) pressure to this setpoint at completion of Segment 10 until transition
profile execution
Injection Profile Offsets
Profile Velocity Offset [05] or [06]
then the module:
you select Vel/Pos profile execution
applies this entry (after reading the sign bit) to each velocity profile setpoint
IPC03-B14 is RESET
reads this parameter in percent velocity
IPC03-B14 is SET
reads it in in.(mm)/s
Profile Pressure Offset [01] If you select Press/Pos or Press/Time profile execution, the module applies this entry (after reading the
sign bit) to each pressure profile setpoint.
Setpoints for Suspended Injection
IPC54 for QI(A) IPCB54 for QI(B)
Closed-loop velocity setpoint for the injection valve during suspended injection (IPC02.B12 = 1). The remaining three set-outputs
(in IPC61-64) are also applied. If not using closed–loop velocity-control, all four set-outputs are applied.
IPC55 for QI(A) IPCB55 for QI(B)
Closed-loop pressure setpoint for the injection valve during suspended injection (IPC02.B11 = 1). The remaining three set-outputs
(in IPC61-64) are also applied. If not using closed–loop pressure-control, all four set-outputs are applied.
IPC56 for QI(A) IPCB56 for QI(B)
Screw position at which the QI suspends its own injection profile.
Pressure Limited Injection Parameters
Ram (Screw) Pressure Limit for Vel/Pos Injection Profile [01], Profile Velocity Offset [05] or [06]
then the module:
you select Pressure Limited Vel/Pos profile execution
limits action of the selected valve(s) during the Injec-
tion Profile to maintain ram (screw) pressure equal to
or below this entry
ram (screw) pressure equals or exceeds this entry during a Pressure Limited
Injection Profile and ram (screw) position is equal to or less than IPC58
sets the applicable status bit in IPS05 and freezes
output to selected velocity valve for time period IPC59
ram (screw) pressure equals or exceeds this entry after expiration of time
delay IPC59
continues Injection Profile execution using its PID
algorithm with this entry as the algorithm setpoint
the module switches to PID control during a Pressure Limited Injection Profile,
and bit pattern in INC02 requires the module to control injection velocity and
pressure with different outputs
returns the selected velocity valve to its profile Set-
output value as defined in INC09–12
the module switches to the PID algorithm during a Pressure Limited Injection
Profile, and the actual ram (screw) velocity equals or exceeds the velocity
setpoint for the segment under execution
freezes output to selected pressure valve for time
period IPC59
the actual ram (screw) velocity equals or exceeds the velocity setpoint after
expiration of time delay IPC59
returns to the VelFF mode of profile execution to drive
the selected velocity valve using the segment’s pro-
grammed setpoint
the module returns to VelFF control during a Pressure Limited Injection
Profile, and bit pattern in INC02 requires the module to control injection
velocity and pressure with different outputs
returns the selected pressure valve to its profile Set-
output value as defined in INC09–12