Paddles ecg monitoring procedure, Monitoring – Physio-Control LIFEPAK 15 User Manual
Page 51

©2007-2013 Physio-Control, Inc.
LIFEPAK 15 Monitor/Defibrillator Operating Instructions
2. Place the other therapy electrode or
paddle on the patient’s upper right torso, lateral
to the sternum and below the clavicle as shown in Figure 4-1.
Special Situations for Electrode or Paddle Placement
When placing therapy electrodes or standard paddles, be aware of the special requirements in
the following possible situations:
Obese Patients or Patients with Large Breasts
Apply therapy electrodes or standard paddles to a flat area on the chest, if possible. If skin folds
or breast tissue prevent good adhesion, it may be necessary to spread skin folds apart to create
a flat surface.
Thin Patients
Follow the contour of the ribs and spaces when pressing the therapy electrodes or standard
paddles onto the torso. This limits air spaces or gaps under the electrodes and promotes good
skin contact.
Patients with Implanted Devices Such as Pacemakers or Defibrillators
If possible, place therapy electrodes or standard paddles away from implanted device.
Paddles ECG Monitoring Procedure
To monitor using standard paddles or therapy electrodes:
1. Press
2. Prepare the patient’s skin:
• Remove all clothing from the patient’s chest.
• Remove excessive chest hair as much as possible. Avoid nicking or cutting the skin if
using a shaver or razor. If possible, avoid placing electrodes over broken skin.
• Clean and dry the skin, if necessary. Remove any medication patches and ointment on the
patient’s chest.
• Briskly wipe the skin dry with a towel or gauze. This mildly abrades the skin and removes
oils, dirt, and other debris for better electrode adhesion to the skin.
• Do not use alcohol, tincture of benzoin, or antiperspirant to prep the skin.
3. Apply the standard paddles or therapy electrodes in the anterior-lateral position. For therapy
electrodes, confirm that the package is sealed and the Use By date is not passed. For
standard paddles, apply conductive gel over the entire electrode surface.
4. Connect the therapy electrodes to the therapy cable.
5. Select