2 sending a fax at favorable rates, 3 using fax on demand services – Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging User Manual

Page 263

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A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual


Fax Mail Service

Sending Fax Messages

A fax cover page and/or fax logo set for your mailbox will only be sent with the fax if the e-mail
address you are using in the selected mail program corresponds to your Xpressions Internet


Sending a Fax at Favorable Rates

All e-mail clients that allow the priority of send jobs to be set also allow fax jobs with a preset
time delay to be created, which in turn reduces charges incurred. These clients include,
for example, Outlook, Outlook Express, Exchange or Netscape Messenger. Just set the priority
to Low or Very Low, and the fax will only be sent during the night. The exact send times are
defined by your system administrator.


Using Fax on Demand Services

You can use fax on demand services in all e-mail clients. Send a blank e-mail to FAXG3REV/
@. This fax on demand number must be entered
in international format. Xpressions retrieves the required fax pages for you and places them in
your mailbox.