Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging User Manual
Page 145

A31003-S2330-B690-2-7619, January 2003
HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual
For internal use only
Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service
Client Assistant
All messages (notification of a new "E-mail", "Fax", or "Voice Mail" message)
E-mail (notification of new "E-mail" messages only)
Fax (notification of new "Fax" messages only)
Voice Mail (notification of new "Voice Mail" messages only)
For the message type that you have selected, you can also define whether you only want
to be notified of new messages that are marked "urgent" (Only if urgent option).
In the Notification to the following devices area, enable the device selection by clicking
the checkbox on the left side. The adjacent list field is now enabled.
In the list field, select the device to which the notification should be sent. The following op-
tions are available:
SMS (notification via SMS on your mobile telephone)
MWI/CTI LED (the mailbox LED on your telephone illuminates to notify you)
E-mail (notification via e-mail)
If your user database already contains a number or address for a selected device, this
number or address is automatically entered in the Number/address: entry field. If no da-
tabase entry is available, you must enter the number or address manually.
If you would like to send a notification to another device, click the Add additional device
button and repeat step 3.
If you have defined several notifications, you can enable or disable the relevant notification
by clicking the appropriate checkbox. If the checkbox is activated, the corresponding noti-
fication is enabled.
In case there is an error in sending a notification to the selected device, you can define up
to two alternative notification devices using the If fails button. In this case, a window opens
in which you can select the notification devices in exactly the same way as described in
step 3. Once you have configured the alternative devices, click the Add button to close the
window. This opens a window in which you can save your settings by clicking OK.