Yaskawa Sigma II Series SGMVH User Manual

Page 64

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4 SERVOPACK Specifications and Dimensional Drawings

4.1.3 SERVOPACK Ratings and Specifications


* 1. Use the SERVOPACK within the surrounding air temperature range. When enclosed in a control

panel, internal temperatures must not exceed the ambient temperature range.

* 2. Speed regulation is defined as follows:

The motor speed may change due to voltage variations or amplifier drift and changes in processing
resistance due to temperature variation. The ratio of speed changes to the rated speed represent speed
regulation due to voltage and temperature variations.

* 3. Forward is clockwise viewed from the non-load side of the servomotor. (Counterclockwise viewed

from the load and shaft end)

* 4. The built-in open collector power supply is not electrically insulated from the control circuit in the



Dynamic Brake

Operated at main power OFF, servo alarm, servo OFF or overtravel.

Overtravel Stop

Dynamic brake stop at P-OT or N-OT, deceleration to a stop, or coast to a

Electronic Gear


≤ B/A ≤ 100


Overcurrent, overvoltage, low voltage, overload, regeneration error, main
circuit detection section error, heat sink overheated, no power supply,
overflow, overspeed, encoder error, overrun, CPU error, parameter error

LED Display

Charge, Power, five 7-segment LEDs

× 5 digits (built-in Digital Operator


CN5Analog Monitoring

Analog monitor connector built in for monitoring speed, torque and other
reference signals.
Speed: 1 V/1000 min


Torque: 1 V/ rated torque
Position error pulses: 0.05 V/1 reference units or 0.05 V/100 reference



Connected Devices

Digital Operator (hand-held model), RS-422A port such as for a personal
computer (RS-232C ports under certain conditions)

1:N Communications

Up to N = 14 for RS-422A ports

Axis Address Setting

Set with parameters.


Status display, parameter setting, monitor display, alarm trace-back dis-
play, JOG operations, speed/torque reference signal and other drawing


Reverse rotation connection, zero-point search, automatic servomotor ID,
DC reactor connection terminal for harmonic suppressions

Speed reguration


No-load motor speed – Total load motor speed

Rated motor speed

× 100%