Yaskawa Sigma II Series SGMVH User Manual
Page 161

7 Digital Operator/Panel Operator
7.2.6 Manual Zero Adjustment and Gain Adjustment of Analog Monitor Output (Fn00C, Fn00D)
7.2.6 Manual Zero Adjustment and Gain Adjustment of Analog Monitor Output
(Fn00C, Fn00D)
Motor speed, torque reference, and position error can be monitored through the analog monitor output. Refer to
9.5 Analog Monitor.
Use the manual zero adjustment function to compensate for the output voltage drift or the zero point drift caused
by noise entering the monitor system. The gain adjustment function can be changed to match the sensitivity of
the measuring system.
The output voltage of the analog monitor is ±8 V max. The output voltage will be limited to ±8 V if ±8 V is exceeded.
Monitor output voltage
Zero adjustment
Gain adjustment
Zero Setting Range:
± 2V
→ 17 mV/LSB
Gain Setting Range: 50% to 150%
→ 0.4 %/LSB
Setting Unit
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