Westermo GDW-11 User Manual
Page 275

These actions include:
… display menu,
… display given text,
… get user input,
… send a short message,
… play the requested tone,
… set up a call,
… provide location information.
This mechanism allows SIM applications to generate powerful menu-driven sequences on
the customer application and to use services available in the network.
The commands used for this operation are:
… +STIN (SIM Toolkit Indication)
… +STGI (SIM Toolkit Get Information)
… +STGR (SIM Toolkit Give Response)
Data Download to SIM:
Data downloading to the SIM (SMS, phonebook…) allows data or programs (Java applets)
received by SMS or by Cell Broadcast to be transferred directly to the SIM Application.
This feature does not need any AT command. It is transparent to the customer applica-
Menu Selection:
A set of menu items is supplied by the SIM Application ToolKit. The menu selection com-
mand can then be used to signal to the SIM Application which menu item is selected.
The commands used for this operation are +STIN, +STGI and +STGR.
Call control by SIM:
The call control mechanism allows the SIM to check all dialed numbers, supplementary
service control strings and USSD strings before connecting to the network. This gives the
SIM the ability to allow, bar or modify the string before the operation starts.
The commands used for this operation are:
… +STCR (SIM Toolkit Control Response),
… +STGR (SIM Toolkit Give Response).