Filling out the start-up form, Using this book, Filling out the start-up form using this book – Gasboy Site Controller III Start-Up User Manual
Page 15: Important

MDE-4375 CFN Series Site Controller III Start-Up Manual · June 2005
Page 3
Starting a Site Controller III System
Filling Out the Start-Up Form
A sample filled-out Start-up form appears at the end of this manual. You should already have
blank copies of the Start-up form; however, if you do not, you can obtain more by calling
GASBOY Customer Service.
When you encounter an empty box on the form, fill in all the information requested. If an
option is not used or does not apply, fill in N/A (not applicable) in that space. It may be
helpful to have the terminal operator review the Site Controller III Manager’s Manual, if he or
she has not already done so, while you are starting up the system.
The Start-up form must be filled out completely and sent, with the attachments noted in
Section 14 of this manual, to:
Technical Service Department
7300 West Friendly Avenue
P.O. Box 22087
Greensboro, NC 27420
Be sure to keep a copy of the completed form for your own records.
Using This Book
This book is designed to be followed from start to finish. The procedures are listed in a logical
order and correspond to the layout of the Start-up form. Please follow the step-by-step
procedures in this manual.
Note: The Site Controller III can be equipped with a POS Workstation option. This enables it
to work as a Profit Point, as well as control system activity. Throughout the manual,
this configuration is referred to as the SC III/POS WS. If your site has a SC III/POS
workstation, you will need to refer to both a Site Controller III Installation Manual and
a Profit Point Installation Manual.
If the Startup Form is not filled out completely, it will be returned to you for completion.