Timings, Pickup and trip, Voltage inhibit – Basler Electric BE1-11t User Manual

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parameter set to AB, for example, will display the metering data as AB in fault records and display the
pickup setting as Vpp in BESTCOMSPlus. See Table 12 for a full list of possible settings. The Aux VT
Connection parameter is found on the System Parameters/Sensing Transformers settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. For more information on the auxiliary VT setup, see the



Table 12. Auxiliary VT Configuration

Aux VT Connection




Vx Fundamental, Vx Third Harmonic



Vx Fundamental, Vx Third Harmonic



Vx Fundamental, Vx Third Harmonic



V1, V2, and 3V0



The timing mode can be set for definite or inverse. For details on the inverse time curve, refer to the


Curve Characteristics


Pickup and Trip

The Pickup output occurs first, followed by the Trip output.


The Pickup output becomes true when the measured voltage decreases below the voltage threshold
established by the Pickup setting. In BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic
elements to annunciate the condition, control other elements in logic, and start the fault recorder (logic
element FAULTTRIG).

Assertion of the Pickup output initiates a timer that begins timing to a trip. The duration of the timer is
established by the Time Delay (definite timing) or Time Dial (inverse timing). A Time Delay or Time Dial
setting of zero (0) makes the 27X element instantaneous with no intentional time delay.

If the pickup condition subsides before the element delay or calculated inverse time expires, the timer and
Pickup output are reset, no corrective action is taken, and the element is rearmed for any other
occurrences of undervoltage.


The Trip output becomes true if an undervoltage pickup condition persists for the duration of the element
Time Delay setting or calculated inverse time. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to
other logic elements and to a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and to initiate corrective
action. If a target is enabled for the element, the BE1-11t will record a target when the Trip output
becomes true. See the

Fault Reporting

chapter for more information about target reporting.

Voltage Inhibit

The Voltage Inhibit setting impedes auxiliary undervoltage element operation during undervoltage
conditions that may occur during equipment startup. This setting is expressed in primary or secondary
voltage depending on the Settings Display Mode selected on the General Settings/Display Units settings
screen in BESTCOMSPlus.

Its unit of measure depends upon the auxiliary VT connection setting and 27X element mode selected.
For AB, BC, and CA sensing connections in Vx Fundamental or Vx Third Harmonic mode, the inhibit level
is expressed in Vpp. For AN, BN, CN, or Ground sensing connections in Vx Fundamental or Vx Third
Harmonic mode, the inhibit level is expressed in Vpn. The inhibit level is always expressed in Vpn for V1,
V2, and 3V0 modes of the 27X element.

Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Protection
