Be1-11t self-test, Status reporting features, Event reporting features – Basler Electric BE1-11t User Manual

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9424200995 Rev H


BE1-11t Self-Test

All internal circuitry and software that affect the BE1-11t core functionality are monitored by the
continuous self-test diagnostics. For specific relay trouble alarms, the self-test diagnostics force the
microprocessor to reset and try to correct the problem. If unsuccessful, OUTA operates, the Relay
Trouble LED on the front panel turns ON, all of the output relays are disabled, internal logic point
ALMREL is set, and the BE1-11t is taken off line. For more information on self-test diagnostics and relay
trouble alarms, see the

Contact Inputs and Outputs


Status Reporting Features

Status reporting is available by using the Metering Explorer in BESTCOMSPlus. This report assembles all
of the information required to determine the BE1-11t status.

Fault reporting and target data is dependent on the proper setting of trip, pickup, and logic trigger
expressions (via BESTlogic

Plus Programmable Logic) and the assignment of protective elements to be

logged as targets (via BESTCOMSPlus).

While the design of the BE1-11t facilitates obtaining and verifying targets and event data, it is not always
necessary to use the BE1-11t functions to determine if the device operated while testing. You can simply
use an ohmmeter or continuity tester to monitor the output contact status.

The following is a summary of where target and event data can be viewed in BESTCOMSPlus:

Fault records in memory - Metering Explorer/Reports/Fault Records

Target data - Metering Explorer/Status/Targets

Sequence of events (SOE) records - Metering Explorer/Reports/Sequence of Events

For more information on front-panel display menu trees, see the

Controls and Indicators


Event Reporting Features

The SOE function of the BE1-11t records protective element output changes, overcurrent element pickup
or dropout, input/output contact state changes, logic triggers, setting group changes, and setting changes.
For more information on event reporting, see the

Sequence of Events


The following summarizes the reporting capabilities of the BE1-11t through the front-panel display:

Trip LED (Flashing): flashes during pickup of protective elements based on the pickup logic
expression set in BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic.

Trip LED (Sealed-In): stays lit after trip logic becomes true based on the trip logic expression set
in BESTlogicPlus Programmable Logic.

TARGETS: Metering > Status > Targets screen provides target data.

ALARMS: Metering > Status > Alarms screen provides alarm data.

FAULT REPORTS: Metering > Fault Reports screen indicates new fault reports.


Introduction to Testing