Rs-485 setup, Dnp setup, Dnp settings – Basler Electric BE1-11t User Manual

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9424200995 Rev H


206. Use the drag-and-drop method to connect a variable or series of variables to the input. Refer to the


chapter for more information on setting BESTlogicPlus programmable logic.

Figure 206. Email Logic Block

Table 85 lists the BESTlogicPlus settings for email.

Table 85. BESTlogicPlus Settings for Email







Triggers an email message.


RS-485 Setup

The RS-485 communication port is located on the rear panel and provides communication with a PC
operating Modbus

™ or DNP software. The Baud Rate is the rate at which the BE1-11t will communicate.

Bits Per Character can be 8 Bits or 7 Bits. Parity can be None, Odd, or Even. Stop Bits can be set to 1 or
2. The BESTCOMSPlus RS485 Setup screen is illustrated in Figure 207.

Figure 207. RS485 Setup Screen

DNP Setup

Settings for DNP are made by using the Settings Explorer to open the Communications, DNP tree branch.
Settings can be made for DNP Analog Points Mapping, DNP Binary Points Mapping, DNP Analog Input
Scaling, and DNP Analog Output Scaling. A list of DNP data objects accessible by a master station can
be found in Basler Electric publication 9424200898, Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) Instruction

DNP Settings

The Communications, DNP, DNP Settings tree branch contains screens for miscellaneous DNP settings,
unsolicited response support, and default variations.

Miscellaneous Settings

The Miscellaneous Settings screen (Figure 208) is used to configure the type of Ethernet endpoint, local
Ethernet port number, client IP address, UDP endpoint, listening end point, link layer, time sync support,
and application layer.

