Basler Electric BE1-11t User Manual
Page 30
9424200995 Rev H
Figure 15. BESTlogicPlus Misc. Logic Page
Step 10: In this step, the Pickup output of the 50-3 element is connected to Output 4. When the Pickup
output of the 50-3 element is true, the label of Output 4 is displayed in the fault report and/or
sequence of events report. The label is named in Step 12. Click the Current tab and then click
the I/O tab at the bottom. Expand Output Objects and then Physical Outputs. Click and drag
OUT4 over to the logic diagram. Click on the Pickup output of the 50-3 element and drag it to the
input of OUT4 to make a connection. Refer to Figure 16.
Figure 16. BESTlogicPlus Programming OUT4
Step 11: In this step, the Pickup output of the 50-3 element is connected to User Alarm 1. When the
Pickup output of the 50-3 element is true, the label of the user alarm is displayed on the Alarms
screen on the front-panel display and in the fault report and/or sequence of events report. The
label is named in Step 13. Click the Current tab and then click the Elements tab at the bottom.
Locate the User Alarm 1 element. Click and drag USERALM1 over to the logic diagram. Click on
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