Transformer monitor (51tf), Element operation, Time curve – Basler Electric BE1-11t User Manual

Page 203: Pickup and trip, Ct source, Alarm

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Transformer Monitor (51TF)

The transformer monitor (51TF) element implements a through-fault counter which allows the user to
schedule wear-based maintenance instead of time-based maintenance.

Element logic connections are made on the BESTlogic

Plus screen in BESTCOMSPlus® and element

operational settings are configured on the Transformer Monitor (51TF) settings screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. A summary of the logic inputs and outputs and operational settings appears at the end
of this chapter.

BESTCOMSPlus Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Transformer Monitor (51TF)

HMI Navigation Path: Settings Explorer, Alarm Configuration, Transformer Monitor 51TF

Element Operation

The 51TF element uses time characteristic curves to monitor the pickup count and report the through-
faults of a transformer.

Time Curve

The time current characteristic curve is the combination of up to three time curves each with their own
operating threshold and own curve constants. The curve being used is determined by current Threshold
Setting 1, Threshold Setting 2, and Threshold Setting 3. When the current is above Threshold Setting 1,
timing will be determined by TF


. If current increases above Threshold Setting 2 or 3, timing will be

determined by TF


or TF


respectively. Threshold Setting 3 has priority over Threshold Setting 2.

Threshold Setting 2 has priority over Threshold Setting 1.





(M − 1)






(M − 1)






(M − 1)




= Time to Trip when M

≥ Threshold Setting x


= Multiple of Transformer Base Current Setting

K, N = Constants for the particular curve

Pickup and Trip

When the measured current increases above the lowest of three threshold settings established by the
curve Threshold settings, the element Pickup output becomes true and the pickup counts are
incremented. When picked up, the element is timing towards the increment of the through-fault counter. In
BESTlogicPlus, the Pickup output can be connected to other logic elements to annunciate the condition
or control other elements in logic.

The through-fault counter will increment when the timing characteristic curve has been exceeded and the
Trip output will become true. In BESTlogicPlus, the Trip output can be connected to other logic elements
or a physical relay output to annunciate the condition and initiate corrective action.

CT Source

The CT Source setting configures the transformer monitor element to monitor CT circuit 1 or CT circuit 2.
CT circuit 1 terminals are designated D1 (IA1) through D8 (IG1) and CT circuit 2 terminals are designated
F1 (IA2) through F8 (IG2). For an illustration, refer to the

Terminals and Connectors



A 51TF Through-Fault alarm indicates an alarm condition when the Through-Fault counts exceed the
Alarm Count setting. The alarm appears on the front-panel display, web page interface, and on the


Transformer Monitor (51TF)