Timing verification (vx third harmonic mode) – Basler Electric BE1-11t User Manual
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9424200995 Rev H
Figure 243. BESTlogicPlus Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Step 3: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 128 to the BE1-11t.
Table 128. Pickup Test Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Pickup Setting
Time Delay
115 V
50 ms
65 V
50 ms
20 V
50 ms
Step 4: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 function operation. Operation can be verified by monitoring OUT2
Step 5: Connect and apply a single-phase, 120 Vac, 3
harmonic voltage source to the Vx input,
terminals C17 (polarity) and C18 (non-polarity).
Step 6: Slowly decrease the voltage until OUT2 closes and record the pickup. Verify that there is a 27X-
1-3RD target on the front-panel display. Slowly increase the voltage until OUT2 opens and
record the reset. Reset the target.
Step 7: Verify the pickup and reset accuracy at 70 Vac for a pickup setting of 65 V and 25 Vac for a
pickup setting of 25 V as listed in Table 128. Record the results.
Step 8: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the B-phase and C-phase voltage inputs.
Step 9: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 8 for settings group 1, 2, and 3.
Step 10: (Optional.) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for 27X-2, 27X-3, and 27X-4.
Timing Verification (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Step 1: Use BESTCOMSPlus to open the Protection, Voltage, Undervoltage (27X-1) screen and send
the first row of test settings in Table 129 to the BE1-11t for settings group 0.
Table 129. Timing Test Settings (Vx Third Harmonic Mode)
Pickup Setting
Time Delay
115 V
2,000 ms
115 V
5,000 ms
115 V
10,000 ms
Step 2: Prepare to monitor the 27X-1 timings. Timing accuracy is verified by measuring the elapsed
time between a sensing voltage change and OUT1 closing.
Step 3: Connect and apply a 120 Vac, single-phase, 3
harmonic voltage source to terminals C17
(polarity) and C18 (non-polarity).
Step 4: Step the voltage down to 110 volts. Measure the time delay and record the result.
Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) Test