Protection and control – Basler Electric BE1-11t User Manual
Page 17
9424200995 Rev H
General Status Reporting
The BE1-11t provides extensive general status reporting for monitoring, commissioning, and
troubleshooting. Status reports are available from the front panel or communication ports.
Fault Reporting
Fault reports consist of simple target information, fault summary reports, and detailed oscillography
records to enable the user to retrieve information about disturbances in as much detail as is desired. The
BE1-11t records and reports oscillography data in industry-standard IEEE, COMTRADE format to allow
using any fault analysis software. Basler Electric provides a Windows
based program called
™ that can read and plot binary or ASCII format files that are in the COMTRADE format. A
copy of BESTwave is included on the BE1-11 product CD.
Sequence of Events Recorder
A Sequence of Events Recorder (SER) records and time stamps all BE1-11t inputs and outputs as well as
all alarm conditions monitored by the BE1-11t. Time stamp resolution is to the nearest half-cycle. I/O and
Alarm reports can be extracted from the records as well as reports of events recorded during the time
span associated with a specific fault report.
Protection and Control
Protection functions consist of Overexcitation, Undervoltage, Overvoltage, Frequency, Instantaneous
Overcurrent, Breaker Failure, Inverse Overcurrent, Phase Current Differential, Neutral Current
Differential, Thermal, and Analog protection. Virtual Control Switches, Timers, a Lockout Function, and a
Breaker Control Switch make up the control functions. The following paragraphs describe each protection
and control function.
Overexcitation (24) Protection
One volts per hertz protective element provides overexcitation protection for a generator and/or
Undervoltage (27P) and Overvoltage (59P) Protection
Five phase undervoltage and four phase overvoltage elements are included. Phase
undervoltage/overvoltage protection can be set for one of three, two of three, or three of three logic.
When a four-wire voltage transformer connection is used, under/overvoltage protection can be set for
either phase-to-phase voltage or phase-to-neutral voltage. The 27P elements are equipped with an
undervoltage inhibit feature. Inverse or definite time can be selected. Refer to the
Auxiliary Undervoltage (27X) and Auxiliary Overvoltage (59X) Protection
Four auxiliary overvoltage and four auxiliary undervoltage elements provide over/undervoltage protection.
Auxiliary voltage protection elements can be set to monitor separately the third harmonic, neutral-shift,
positive-sequence, negative-sequence, or auxiliary fundamental voltages. Ground unbalance protection is
provided when the auxiliary voltage input is connected to a source of 3V0 such as a broken-delta VT. The
27X is equipped with an undervoltage inhibit feature. Inverse or definite time can be selected. Refer to the
Frequency (81) Protection
Eight independent frequency elements can be set for over, under, or rate of change (81R) frequency
operation. Each can be set separately to monitor the frequency on the main three-phase voltage input or
the Vx input. Rate of change can be set to operate on positive, negative, or “either”.