Interlogix NS3550-2T-8S User Manual User Manual
Page 337

IFS NS3552-8P-2S AND NS3550-2T-8S User Manual
• ID
Indicates the index of Statistics entry.
• Data Source (idlndex)
The port ID which wants to be monitored.
• Drop
The total number of events in which packets were dropped by the probe due to
lack of resources.
• Octets
The total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received on the
• Pkts
The total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and
multicast packets) received.
• Broad-cast
The total number of good packets received that were directed to the broadcast
• Multi-cast
The total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast
• CRC Errors
The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but
including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a
bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error)
or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
• Under-size
The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets.
• Over-size
The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets.
• Frag.
The number of frames which size is less than 64 octets received with invalid CRC.
• Jabb.
The number of frames which size is larger than 64 octets received with invalid
• Coll.
The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet segment.
• 64
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 64 octets
in length.
• 65~127
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were from 65 to
127 octets in length.
• 128~255
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were from 128
to 255 octets in length.
• 256~511
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were from 256
to 511 octets in length.
• 512~1023
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were from 512
to 1023 octets in length.
• 1024~1588
The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were from 1024
to 1588 octets in length.
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Updates the table starting from the first entry in the Statistics table, i.e. the entry with the lowest ID.
: Updates the table, starting with the entry after the last entry currently displayed.