Rockwell Automation 22D PowerFlex 40P User Manual, FRN 3 User Manual

Page 174

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Encoder Usage and Position StepLogic Application

In all position modes, the following parameters will control the
characteristics at each step:

E230-E244 [Step Units x]
These are the number value to the left of the decimal (whole number) of
the 8 positions desired for an application, beginning with Step 0 (



and continuing with each step until Step 7 (


). For example, enter 2

into this parameter if you would like a commanded position of 2.77.

E231-E245 [Step Units F x]
These are the number value to the right of the decimal (the portion less
than 1) of the 8 positions desired for an application, beginning with Step
0 (


) and continuing with each step until Step 7 (


). For

example, enter 0.77 into this parameter if you would like a commanded
position of 2.77.

A070-A077 [Preset Freq x]
In Positioning mode, each preset frequency parameter defines the
maximum frequency the drive will run at during the corresponding step.
For example, if [Preset Freq 2] is set to 40Hz, the drive will accelerate to
40Hz maximum when moving to Position 2.

Important: The default value for


[Preset Freq 0] is 0.00 Hz. This

value needs to be changed or the drive will not be able to
move during Step 0.

A150-A157 [Stp Logic Time x]
In Positioning mode, each Step Logic Time parameter defines the time
the drive will remain in each corresponding step if that step is
time-based. For example, if


[Stp Logic Time 2] is set to 5.0

seconds and that step is time-based, the drive will remain in Step 2 for
5.0 seconds. Note that this is the total time in that step, not the time at
that position. Therefore, it will include the time needed to accelerate,
run, and decelerate to that position.

Frequency Source

Step Source

Position Source

A070 [Preset Freq 0]

A140 [Step Logic 0]

E230 [Step Units 0]

A071 [Preset Freq 1]

A141 [Step Logic 1]

E232 [Step Units 1]

A072 [Preset Freq 2]

A142 [Step Logic 2]

E234 [Step Units 2]

A073 [Preset Freq 3]

A143 [Step Logic 3]

E236 [Step Units 3]

A074 [Preset Freq 4]

A144 [Step Logic 4]

E238 [Step Units 4]

A075 [Preset Freq 5]

A145 [Step Logic 5]

E240 [Step Units 5]

A076 [Preset Freq 6]

A146 [Step Logic 6]

E242 [Step Units 6]

A077 [Preset Freq 7]

A147 [Step Logic 7]

E244 [Step Units 7]