ETC Cobalt Family v7.1.0 User Manual

Page 677

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Cobalt 7.1 - 20140612


2. In the Device dock, you have two parameters, Chase: (symmetrical), Rate (100%). Tap on

the rate to change the tempo.

3. Hold C and press LIVE LIIVE to clear all output.

Content Effect

This is a content effect, it uses steps defined in a Series. A Series can contain palettes, presets and
parameters. Note that the Groups used are those already recorded, and the number of the Group is
used by the effect.

1. Enter 2, press EFFECT and move the level wheel to full. You will see nothing until you

select a ChSource, Group, Series and GrpParts in the Device Control Dock.

2. Touch or click and set

ChSource = Group
Group = All VL
Series = Intensity
GrpParts = Parts 2

You should now see an intensity chase with two parts on all varilites in the rig. You can
change the rate and distribution. Play around with the parameters.

3. Now select Series = RGB - and you will have a color effect instead. Play around with the

parameters. Explore.

4. To store in a preset, record one as usual. What you see is what you get.
5. Hold C and press LIVE LIIVE to clear all output.

Dynamic Effect

This is a Dynamic Effect, it uses wave-tables to create movements around the current focus point of
the lights. Note that the Groups used are those already recorded, and the number of the Group is used
by the effect.

1. Enter 3, press EFFECT and move the level wheel to full. You will see nothing until you

select a ChSource, Group and DynTemplate in the Device Control Dock.

2. Touch or click and set

ChSource = Group
Group = All VL
Dynseries = >Circle (default)

You should now have a circle effect running on all varilites in the rig. You need light to see
the beams.

3. Set the intensities to full in the group All VL by clicking and dragging on group 3 in the

Direct Selects. Now you should see the circle effect.

4. Reselect the effect with 3 EFFECT.
5. Play around with the parameters. Explore.
6. To store in a preset, record one as usual. What you see is what you get.
7. Hold C and press LIVE LIIVE to clear all output.