Osc functionality – ETC Cobalt Family v7.1.0 User Manual
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Cobalt 7.1 - 20140612
OSC Functionality
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a content format for messaging among computers, sound synthesizers,
and other multimedia devices. You can remotely control Cobalt using OSC. You can remotely control
OSC devices using Cobalt.
OSC is often used as an alternative to MIDI, when higher performance, higher resolution and a richer
parameter space is desired. OSC messages are commonly transported across networks using (UDP/IP,
Ethernet). OSC messages between gestural controllers such as the Wii Remote are usually transmitted
over serial endpoints of USB by being wrapped in the SLIP protocol. OSC gives developers more
flexibility in the kinds of data they can send over the wire, enabling new applications that can
communicate with each other at a high level (Source Wikipedia).
To explore more about OSC on the www see http://opensoundcontrol.org/introduction-osc.
• Use OSC to create a remote interface for Cobalt, for example in an iPad, using a standard
third party OSC software such as TouchOSC.
• Use third party developer software such as Max or Isadora to integrate Cobalt with other
OSC devices.
See also
Receive - OSC Input
Transmit - OSC Output
Be aware that for OSC to work you need to activate OSC control and
relevant settings in the Play Settings.
Play Settings - Show Control
OSC is not intended to be used as remote control for Cobalt over any open
Internet connection. ETC recommends strongly that lighting networks
remain separate from the Internet.
Receive - OSC Input
To receive OSC commands you have to activate reception of OSC and select the appropriate Port
number (default 7000) in
Play Settings - Show Control
The device transmitting OSC needs both this port number and the IP address of your Cobalt system.
You can check your IP address in Browser >About >About Cobalt.
About OSC commands
• An OSC command consists of an address, sometimes followed by a value and/or an
argument, eg "/masters/page/X"
• Buttons may be momentary. eg "/mainplayback/go".
• Buttons may be On/Off, use 0.0 for Off, 1.0 for On. eg "/masters/flash/X 0.0"