Apple Aperture User Manual

Page 472

background image



slideshow presets

creating 317
dual displays and 320
editing 318
functions and controls for 315
grid patterns 319
music settings 321
types of 312

Slideshow Presets dialog 313, 315

backgrounds 316
changing images in 315
creating 314
defined 449
fade time 317
functions and controls for 315
grid patterns in 319
keyboard shortcuts 315
looping 316
music settings 317, 321
overview 33, 312–315
playing 320
presets. See slideshow presets
quality 316
saving 314
timing 316
transitions 312

Slow Dissolve slideshow preset 312, 314
Smart Albums

automatic updates to 269
changing contents of 272
collecting images into 270–273
creating 250, 252, 268
defined 250, 449
deleting 273
displaying contents of 268
dragging images from 134
listing contents 30
overview 30, 268–271
saving search results as 265
searching for images in 271
transferring images to projects or albums 272

Smart Web Gallery Albums 265, 337
softcover books 368, 380
soft lighting 449
soft proofs 449
software drivers 416
Sort Direction button 42, 120
sorting images

in Browser 120
in grid view 129
Light Table and 324
in list view 126
by ratings 192
restoring last sort 129

Sorting pop-up menu 42, 120, 129

source image files. See digital master files
source profiles 449
sources in metadata 229, 242
source vaults 409
space characters 106
spacing between images in slideshows 317
spacing images evenly in Light Table 329
Span option (multiple displays) 157
special characters in filenames 106
special instructions in metadata 229, 242
spectrophotometers 449
Split Stack command 183
Split Stacks button 109

master pages 395
stacks 109, 183

Spot & Patch tool 47, 170
Spot & Patch tool HUD 62
spot adjustments 170
spot metering 449
square photo boxes 385
sRGB color space 425, 427, 450
Stack 47
Stack button 132, 176, 181
stacking buttons 47
stacking photo boxes on pages 387
Stack Pick button 47, 169

adding and removing images 183
arranging images in 182
closing 170, 176
comparing images in 178
creating 109, 177, 179
defined 450
displaying 151
dividing 109
dragging images in 184
dragging stacks 184
Full Screen mode 185
importing images automatically 109, 177
keyboard shortcuts for 186
list view 184
in multiple albums 182
opening or closing 109, 170, 181
overview 28, 175
picks 123, 169, 176, 181
promoting and demoting images 182
selecting images in 123
splitting 183
tips for quickly creating 180
toolbar buttons 169
unstacking 179

stamping 48, 170, 219, 220
Stamp tool 48, 170, 219
Stamp tool HUD 62
star ratings 188