Apple Aperture User Manual
Page 463
K (kelvin) 444
keyboard shortcuts
arranging workspace elements and panels 65
assigning keywords with 215, 217
Full Screen mode 174
lifting and stamping keywords 220
Loupe tool 152
metadata display 159, 173
navigating through books 370
rating images 191, 196, 197
rotating images 130
selecting images 123, 179
shuttling through images 125
slideshows 315
stack commands 186
versions 131
keyword buttons 213
keyword controls 30, 45, 65, 213, 213–214
keyword groups 207
keyword list 207
Keyword Preset Group pop-up menu 45, 214, 215
keyword preset groups
applying keywords 215–217
assigning to buttons 45
creating 216
adding fields to metadata 236
adding or deleting from preset groups 216
adding to Keywords HUD 210
applying during import 108
applying preset groups 215–217
applying to images 201
applying to multiple images 219, 241
applying with Keywords HUD 206–212
applying with Lift & Stamp HUD 218–220
applying with Metadata Inspector 222
assigning to buttons 45, 213
badge overlays 243
browsing through 209
character limits 242
defined 444
deleting 212, 223
displaying 142, 158, 202
exporting 201, 224, 292, 304
importing 224
IPTC data 201
keyboard shortcuts 215, 220
keyword-based web journal pages 347
keyword controls 30, 213, 213–214
Light Table and 223
listing 207, 222
in metadata 228
in Metadata Inspector 50
overview 29, 200
preset keywords 45, 206, 213, 214, 215
searching for images by 253, 255
searching through 206, 209
Smart Albums and 269
subordinate keywords 211
viewing for images 202–205
Keywords button 236
Keywords HUD
adding new keywords to 210
applying keywords with 206–212
functions and controls 63, 206
illustrated 23
listing keywords 29
opening 172
Keywords HUD button 48
Keywords pop-up menu 255
lab plots 444
landscape photo boxes 385
laptops, working with vaults on 407
Large Hardcover button 56, 368, 381
Large Softcover button 56, 368, 381
layering images and text on book pages 367
layout buttons 48
book designs. See master pages
options for printing 280
workspaces. See workspaces
left-aligning images 384
left-hand pages 395
legacy images 90
lenses 444
Levels controls 62
adding items to 79
backing up to vaults 400
copying 407
defined 72, 76, 444
finding images in 253
overview 400
planning backup systems 401
restoring 400, 409
searching 249
updating vaults 405
vaults and 78
working with multiple computers 407