Deleting a vlan, Figure 42: delete a vlan menu – Allied Telesis AT-S39 User Manual
Page 145
AT-S39 User’s Guide
Deleting a VLAN
This procedure deletes a port-based or tagged VLAN. All untagged ports
in a deleted VLAN are returned to the Default_VLAN. You cannot delete
the Default_VLAN.
To delete a VLAN, you need to know its VID. To view VLAN VIDs, refer
to the procedure Displaying VLAN Information on page 144.
To delete a VLAN, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 2 to select VLAN Menu.
2. From the VLAN Menu, type 5 to select Configure VLANS.
3. From the Configure VLANS menu, type 3 to select Delete VLAN.
The Delete a VLAN menu is shown in Figure 42.
Figure 42 Delete a VLAN Menu
4. Type 1 to select VLAN ID (VID).
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter new value -> [2 to 4096] ->
5. Enter the VID of the VLAN you want to delete and press Return.
You cannot delete the Default_VLAN, which has a VID of 1.
The specifications of the selected VLAN are displayed. Use this menu
to confirm that you are deleting the correct VLAN.
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Delete a VLAN
1 - VLAN ID (VID) ........
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?