Getting information about file sets, Wild-card characters in file sets – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
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Using FUP for Basic File Management
Guardian User’s Guide — 425266-001
7- 11
Getting Information About File Sets
Getting Information About File Sets
You can get information about more than one file with a single FUP INFO command.
Like several other FUP commands, INFO lets you specify:
A file set (a set of one or more files)
A file-set list (a list that includes one or more file sets)
The specification for a file set is much like a single file name, except that a file set can
contain more than one file. A file set can be a list of file names separated by commas
and enclosed in parentheses; a file set can also be a single file name.
For a file set, you can specify the name of the system, volume, and subvolume where
each file resides, just as you would for a single file. If you omit any of these items, FUP
expands the file name or names using your current default values.
Wild-Card Characters in File Sets
You can include an asterisk (*) or question mark (?) in place of a volume name,
subvolume name, or file identifier.
Matches zero to eight characters
(question mark)
Matches one character
For example, you can get information about all the files in the current default subvolume
by entering:
To get information about all the files in any volume that contains five characters and
starts with MANU, enter:
To get information about all the files in the subvolume $MYVOL that start with FILE
followed by any two characters, enter:
-INFO $MANU?.*.*