Micromod MOD: Modcell 2050R Users Guide User Manual
Page 179
If the [SKIP] or [RESET] prompts do not appear, a password has been
configured in the BASE CFG MENU and is required to access these prompts
in addition to making changes in other menus.
Control of the ramp/soak profile is accomplished in the DISPLAYS MENU
where the ramp/soak functions for reset and skip may be manipulated while
ramp/soak is on [RSK] [RUN]. Additional features are in the RELAYS MENU,
where relays can be turned on or off as ramp/soak event markers, and in the
RAMPSOAK MENU, where ramp or soak hysteresis may be manipulated.
Additional access to the ramp/soak profile configuration in the RAMPSOAK
MENU can only be made if the ramp/soak status is turned off [RSK] [HOLD] in
the DISPLAYS MENU. The configuration can be placed in [HOLD] in the
DISPLAYS MENU, viewed without changes, and then continued from the
current segment and cycle by being placed back in [RUN] in the DISPLAYS
The ramp/soak reset prompt [RSK] [RESET] is a DISPLAYS MENU ramp/soak
command that appears when ramp/soak is in [HOLD] or [RUN]. Pressing the
up key when RESET is displayed resets the ramp/soak profile to the start of
Segment 1, Cycle 1. If the profile is running when the reset is initiated, the
profile is switched to hold and the controller is switched to manual. The profile
is restarted by switching the controller to automatic, and selecting RUN at the
beginning of the ramp/soak display sequence. If a reset is not required, scroll
past the reset prompt to the skip function.
The ramp/soak prompt [RSK] [SKIP] is a DISPLAYS MENU ramp/soak
command that appears when ramp/soak is in [HOLD] or [RUN]. Pressing the
up key when SKIP is displayed causes the remainder of the current segment
to be skipped. The segment status display appears showing the total time
and segment number for the next segment.
When the controller is in automatic with ramp soak running the response to a
skipped segment is as follows:
If the skipped segment is not the last segment the profile continues at the
start of the next segment. If the next segment is a guarenteed ramp or
soak, timing does not start until the process value is within the configured
hysteresis band.