Micromod MOD: Modcell 2050R Users Guide User Manual
Page 172
Autotune Completion
Autotune will generally result in successful calculation of tuning constants.
When a completely successful autotune cycle is completed, the controller will
be in the automatic mode using the newly calculated tuning constants, and will
display the process variable and the controller set-point. If autotune was
activated while in the automatic mode, or in manual without set-point tracking,
the set-point will be at the same value it was at prior to autotune. If autotune
was activated while in the manual mode and set-point tracking is enabled, then
the set-point will be at the last process value before the execution of the
autotune cycle. The calculated tuning constants may be reviewed and
manipulated by entering the TUNE loop.
Autotune completion may be successful but a warning message (“Caution”)
may be displayed. The controller will be functioning as if a completely
successful autotune occurred except for the message.
Autotune execution may result in a cancellation error message. In this case,
the controller will be put in the manual mode and the output value will be the
starting value at the execution of autotune. An error message will be
displayed on the digital displays.
Cancellation During Setup
To cancel out of the autotune menus during setup of the autotune parameters,
make a mode change. For example, if you are setting up autotune while in
automatic mode, press the manual key to exit the set-up menu and enter
manual mode. If you are setting up autotune while in manual mode, press the
auto key to exit the set-up and switch to auto mode. If switching modes is not
acceptable at this time, press the auto or manual key to transfer back to
desired mode. If you are setting up autotune from manual mode and placing
the controller in automatic is totally undesirable at this time, continue autotune
setup and cancel (press manual key) immediately after autotune execution
begins. A cancellation during execution places the controller in manual.