Micromod MOD: Modcell 2050R Users Guide User Manual
Page 178

After selecting RUN or HOLD at the beginning of the ramp/soak display
sequence, scrolling accesses the segment status display as shown below:
Segment number
Time base
Time remaining
In this example, 1.4 minutes are left in segment 1 of the profile. The initial
value for time remaining in a segment is 0.1 units more than the configured
value even though the actual time a segment runs is the configured time. If
the time remaining exceeds 3200, the display will read 3200 until the time
remaining falls below this value. The total minutes or hours remaining could
be excessively large if the set-point start and end points are far apart and the
increment per unit of time change rate is very small. For example, a span of
325°F going through a change of .1°F every minute would take 3250.0
minutes to complete. This means the display of minutes remaining would stay
at 3200 for 50.0 minutes before counting down.
The cycle number appears after scrolling from the segment display, and
indicates the active cycle the profile is currently running in. This number starts
at one and is reset to one when the profile is reset. The cycle number stops
counting once the number reaches 65535; however, the ramp/soak algorithm
continues to run if the repeat attribute is active.