Reports directory backup, Cfn iii backup file, Descriptions and uses – Gasboy CFN III V3.6 and Later User Manual
Page 27: Reports directory backup cfn iii backup file

MDE-4739A CFN III PCI Secure Controller Software Installation/Upgrade Instructions · July 2010
Page 21
Reports Directory Backup
Reports Directory Backup
The Reports Directory stores Day, Shift, and Journal reports created by the reports package.
Generally the total size of these files is greater than what a single floppy disk can store. The
files in the directory can be compressed and stored to a single floppy with the following
command entered in the SC3 command window after sign on.
To backup the Reports Directory insert the correctly labeled, blank, and formatted floppy disk
in the A: Drive of the tower and proceed as follows:
Sign on to the CFN III.
Type the command: SYS PKZIP25 -ADD A:REPORTS.ZIP C:\SC3\REPORTS\*.*.
Note: This is an optional backup and must be completed only on the site manager’s request.
CFN III Backup File
Descriptions and Uses
SYSBACK.DTA is the file created with the command SYSBACK. This is all the information
from the SC3 memory board that you would get using all the available print commands.
TRANBACK.DTA is the file created with the command TRANBACK. These are all the
transactions stored on the SC3 memory board.
Note: Any Tranback.dta from any CFN III version 3.6 or earlier cannot be restored. Any
Tranback.dta file from version 3.6 or later can be restored if you have the exact Master
and Pass Key loaded at the time the transaction were created.
FRAMOS.CFG is the file that holds the configuration of the CFN III such as pumps, readers,
Sys_par and so on.
Note: The command file CONFIG will also make a printed copy of the sites configuration if a
log printer is available. This is highly advised in the event something goes wrong
converting this file using FIX_CONF.
LOOKUP.DTA data file is required if the customer is using the lookup program.
OFFROAD.DTA data file is required if the customer is using the Offroad program.
MASTER.PLU file stores all the departments, stock items and PLU’s for the Profit Point
CONFIG.POS file stores changes made to user menus, sales discounts, POS permission levels,
the customer display greeting, and special network cards allowed.
KEY_LAY.POS file stores the keyboard layout for the Profit Point.
POSEXEC.BAT file stores the configuration of the individual Profit Point. This would include
POS number, receipt printer type, keyboard, and so on.