Back-to-back configuration – EXFO AXS-200/850 Ethernet Test Set User Manual

Page 79

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RFC 2544

Ethernet Test Set


Back-to-Back Configuration

Back-to-Back Configuration

The objective of this test is to find the maximum number of frames that can
be sent at maximum throughput without frame loss. A burst of frames
(Max. Burst Duration) is sent with minimum inter-frame gaps to the
device under test and the number of forwarded frames is counted. If the
count of transmitted frames is equal to the number of forwarded frames,
the length of the burst is increased and the test is rerun. If the number of
forwarded frames is less than the number of transmitted frames, the length
of the burst is reduced and the test is rerun. The back-to-back value is the
number of frames in the longest burst that the device under test (DUT) can
handle without the loss of any frames. The test performs the number of
defined trials (Number of Trials). The Accuracy (Frames) settings specify
how precise that result must be. The test is performed for each defined
frame size.

Press ,


RFC 2544, Configuration, and the Back-to-Back tab.

Note: This page is not available when the Dual Test Set parameter is set to

Remote in Global Configuration on page 58.

Note: Back-to-Back must be enabled from Global Configuration on page 58.


Max. Burst Duration: Enter the
Max. Burst Duration in seconds.
Choices are 1 to 5 seconds. The
default setting is 2 seconds.


Accuracy (Frames): Enter the
Accuracy measurement value in
frames. Choices are 1 to
50 frames. The default setting is


Number of Trials: Select the number of trials to average. Choices are 1
to 100 trials. The default setting is 1 trial.