Remote selection, Fer to remote – EXFO AXS-200/850 Ethernet Test Set User Manual
Page 55

Ethernet Test Set
Remote Selection
Remote Selection
The AXS-200/850 can perform tests in conjunction with a second test set. A
remote module can be connected to either start Smart Loopback test or
perform an RFC2544 test in Dual Test Set mode (DTS).
The Remote Loopback feature provides the capability to loop up or loop
down a remote device (target module). Looping up a target module is the
same as setting the target module into Smart Loopback mode. This feature
is especially useful for unidirectional testing whereby the test stream is
transmitted from the local unit to a target module in loopback, and the test
stream is received back and locally analyzed
Note: When the Remote Loopback feature is used, the remote module should
follow the Duplex/Flow Control configuration of the SmartLoopback test.
The Dual Test Set (DTS) RFC 2544 allows to measure RFC 2544 conformity,
where the downstream characteristics are different from the upstream. A
test stream is transmitted from the local module to the remote module and
from the remote module to the local module. Results of both the directions
are consolidated on the local module.
The target module can be selected by entering its IP address (Manual
Selection tab) or selecting it from an auto-discovery list (Discovery tab).
The local unit requests status information from remote units, which
provides useful information on their state: idle, busy running a test or
already looped up.