EXFO AXS-200/850 Ethernet Test Set User Manual
Page 45

Ethernet Test Set
5. Select the Speed of the interface.
For electrical, the choices are 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1000 Mbps
(requires software option) and Auto when Auto-Negotiation is
For electrical, the choices are 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1000 Mbps
(requires software option) when Auto-Negotiation is Disabled
For optical, the choices are 1000 Mbps (requires software option)
when Auto-Negotiation is Enabled.
For optical, the choices are 100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps (requires
software option) when Auto-Negotiation is Disabled.
The default setting is 100 Mbps.
Note: The selected/negotiated speed is displayed besides the speed configuration
parameter and in the title bar for the electrical interfaces.
6. Select the Duplex mode. For 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps electrical
interfaces, the choices are Full, Half and Auto when Auto-Negotiation
is Enabled. The choices are Full and Half when Auto-Negotiation is
Disabled. Half duplex is not supported for BERT and Smart Loopback
tests. Default is Full.
Note: For Auto, the negotiated duplex is displayed besides the duplex
configuration parameter.
The following table shows the values for the Duplex Mode and Flow
Control that shall be used to be compatible with the different test
Port Setup
RFC 2544
Traffic Gen.
Smart Loopback
Half / Full
Half / Full
Flow Control
None / RX
None None / RX