2 handling the memory module, Handling the memory module, 2introduction: parameterising the controller – Lenze 8400 BaseLine C User Manual

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Introduction: Parameterising the controller


Handling the memory module


Lenze · 8400 BaseLine C · Reference manual · DMS 1.6 EN · 01/2014 · TD05

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Handling the memory module

All parameters of the drive system are saved non-volatilely in the memory module of the controller.

This includes the parameters of the controller and parameters relevant for communication.
The plug-in version is especially suited for

• restoring an application after replacing a device.
• duplicating identical drive tasks within the 8400 BaseLine frequency inverter series, e.g. by

using the optionally available EPM Programmer.

When handling the memory module, a distinction is drawn between the following scenarios:

Delivery status


After power-off, wait at least three minutes before working on the controller. When re-

moving the memory module, ensure that the controller is deenergised.
If the memory module has been removed and the device is switched on, the connector

pins are live and thus dangerous since the protection against contact is missing.


• When the device is switched on, all parameters are automatically loaded from the me-

mory module to the main memory of the controller.

• The 8400 BaseLine and 8400 motec controllers use the same (grey) memory module.

The memory module can be shifted between these controllers but the controller must

be reparameterised afterwards.

• The memory module is not compatible with the memory modules of the

8400 StateLine and 8400 HighLine controllers.

• If the memory module has been removed, the "PS01" error message appears.

• The memory module is plugged into the EPM slot at the

front of the controller.

• The Lenze setting of the parameters is stored in the memo-

ry module.

• The memory module can be preconfigured with customer-

specific data.

• The memory module is available as a spare part - without

any data.