6 using cams, 1 how pou parameters work, 1 mc_camtableselect – Lenze PLC Designer PLC-Designer (R2-x) SoftMotion User Manual
Page 97: Using cams, How pou parameters work, L-force | plc designer - softmotion

DMS 5.2 EN 03/2011 TD17
L-force | PLC Designer - SoftMotion
CAM editor
Using cams
Using cams
The SM_PLCopen.lib library contains POUs for executing cams.
This section contains descriptions of how to use cams, addresses cam concatenation in
particular and provides a more detailed description of the various parameters (periodicity,
offset, etc.):
How POU parameters work
Editor: Cam Element Properties
- Periodic, - Interval
These settings are only relevant for the creation of a cam; they have no effect on how a cam
is processed in an application.
The "Periodic" option determines whether the cam can be processed without jumps, i.e. if
it can be processed periodically. If this option is activated, the start and end points will have
the same slave position or the difference between their positions will be a multiple of the
value entered under "Interval".
Even if "Periodic" is not activated, cams can still be processed consecutively, but in this case
the user must make sure that the transitions meet the relevant consistency requirements.
This input determines whether a cam is processed again if the master position leaves the
cam range.
If this input is FALSE, the EndOfProfile output will be set at the CamIn POU at the end of the
cam and the slave will be stopped at the last position programmed by the cam. Please note
that if the master re-enters the valid range the slave will still be controlled according to the
cam. In other words, the cam action will not be terminated when the defined master range
is exited.
If the input is TRUE, the cam will be processed consecutively, i.e. the cam will be shifted in
the master direction to its previous end position.
This means that the master interval (width) of a cam now bears no relation to the position
interval of the master drive. Please note, therefore, that the assignment 'slave position =
cam (master position)', i.e. the definition of the slave position by the master position via
the cam, will only be applicable in the first cam cycle but not after that if the width of the
cam differs from the master interval.